THC-P flowers


THC-B flowers are a form of cannabis that is obtained from special breeds rich in the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-B) . This compound is one of the more recent discoveries in the world of cannabinoids and is being studied for its potentially powerful effects. Depending on the amount and method of ingestion, THC-B flowers can have different effects, ranging from relaxing to euphoric .

THC-B flowers can be used in various forms - as a smoke , in vaporizers , as a tea , or in edible form . Some people use them for relaxation , pain relief , mood improvement , or to help with sleep problems .

It is important to find out about the rules in your country, because THC-B flowers are not handled the same way everywhere. Due to their THC content , they could be subject to strict legal regulations in many regions. Likewise, you should use THC-B flowers responsibly to get the most from their benefits and minimize any potential risks.

Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-B): This cannabinoid is considered one of the primary active ingredients in THC-B flowers. It interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which can result in a variety of effects ranging from relaxing to euphoric.

Important instructions:

Onset of action: The effects of THC-B flowers can begin within 5 to 10 minutes after ingestion and last for several hours.

Variability: Individual experience with THC-B flowers can vary greatly. Factors such as the THC-B strain, the quality of the product and personal health aspects play an important role.

Kratom Pulver in einer Schüssel auf einem Holzlöffel

THC-B flowers dosage: Dose correctly

Finding the right THC-B flower dosage is the key to a pleasant experience. THC-B flowers work differently depending on the amount - smaller doses tend to have a stimulating effect, while larger doses have more calming effects.

Beginners should start with a small dose , around 0.5-1 gram . This way you can see how your body reacts. Experienced users know their body better and can adjust the dose accordingly, usually between 1-2 grams .

Possible side effects of THC-B flowers

Overdosing can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea or dizziness , so it's important to be careful and work your way up to your ideal dose gradually.

Buy THC-B flowers online - What should I pay attention to?

When buying THC-B flowers online, you should keep the following in mind:

  1. Provider research: Check the provider’s reputation.
  2. Product quality: Pay attention to laboratory testing and quality assurance.
  3. Assortment and selection: Look for diverse product options.
  4. Transparency in origin: Make sure that the origin of the THC-B flowers is stated.
  5. Price comparison: Compare prices, but be careful with extremely cheap offers.
  6. Payment security: Use secure payment methods.
  7. Customer Service: Check the quality of customer service.
  8. Shipping and returns: Find out about delivery conditions and return options.
  9. Legal aspects: Pay attention to the legal situation of THC-B flowers in your region.
Kratom Pulver auf einem Holzlöffel

Your THC-B flower shop - simply order online

In our THC-B flower shop, ordering high-quality THC-B flowers is child's play. We offer you a wide range of THC-B flower products in our exclusive Gold Edition, all aimed at increasing your well-being and giving you exactly what you are looking for. Enjoy our fast and discreet shipping directly to your home.

Top 7 bestsellers in the THC-B flower shop:

  1. THC-B Sugar Cookie 50% : Popular for its relaxing effects, perfect for ending a stressful day. 🍪
  2. Canapuff - Pink Rozay - THC-B Flower : Our customers love this strain for its balanced effects - ideal for the evening. 🌹
  3. Canapuff - Kush Mintz 50% - THC-B Flower : Are you looking for a refreshing relaxation? This product will help you slip into a peaceful evening. 🍃
  4. Candy Cane Kush 50% - THC-B flower : For an extra boost of relaxation and well-being - a favorite for cozy evenings. 🍬
  5. THC-B Flower Alaskan Thunderfuck 95% : A powerful and long-lasting effect, known for both its invigorating and relaxing effects. ⚡
  6. THC-B Pink Rozay 50% : A wonderful choice for anyone looking for a gentle relaxation with a hint of sweetness. 🌸
  7. Free THC-B flower to try - Alaskan Thunderfuck 95% (1 time per customer) : Use our offer to test the quality of our THC-B flowers, completely risk-free. 🆓


Although some people use THC-B daily without any obvious short-term disadvantages, it is generally advisable to take breaks to avoid developing tolerance or dependence. As with many substances, regular consumption of THC-B can result in the need for higher doses over time to achieve the same effects. Periodic breaks can help maintain the effectiveness of THC-B and promote a healthy balance.

As with any natural or synthetic agent, THC-B flowers can have side effects, especially if used improperly or in excessive doses. The most common side effects include nausea , dry mouth , loss of appetite , fatigue and, in rare cases, increased heart rate . Most of these side effects are mild and temporary. However, it is important to use THC-B flowers responsibly and to reconsider use or consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

The legality of THC-B flowers in Germany is specifically regulated. While THC-B flowers are subject to strict regulations or are even banned in some countries and regions, the status in Germany is not as clear as with traditional kratom. In general, products containing THC, including THC-B, are subject to the provisions of the Narcotics Act. The sale, possession and consumption of cannabis products containing THC is only legal in Germany under certain conditions, such as for medical purposes with appropriate authorization. It is important to keep up to date with the latest regulations to ensure you are acting in accordance with the law. Before buying and using THC-B flowers, you should always check the current legal situation to be on the safe side.

THC flowers can be consumed in a variety of ways, depending on personal preference and desired effects. Popular methods include smoking or vaporizing the dried flowers, brewing tea with the flowers, mixing THC flower powder into drinks or food , or taking it in capsule form for convenient and precise dosing. It is important to start with a low dose to see how the body reacts and adjust the dosage accordingly.

For optimal shelf life, THC-B flowers should be stored in an airtight container, preferably in a cool, dark, and dry place. This helps maintain the potency and freshness of the THC-B flowers over a longer period of time. Direct sunlight, high temperatures and humidity should be avoided to protect the quality of THC-B flowers.