Ban on HHC from June 27, 2024: Important information and effects

Verbot von HHC ab 27.06.2024: Wichtige Infos und Auswirkungen

Today is an important day for everyone who deals with new psychoactive substances. The Federal Law Gazette has published the Fifth Ordinance amending the Annex to the New Psychoactive Substances Act. These changes particularly affect hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and its derivatives. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the new ban and what it means for users.

Publication in the Federal Law Gazette

On June 27, 2024, the Fifth Ordinance Amending the Annex to the New Psychoactive Substances Act was published in the Federal Law Gazette. This publication marks a significant step in Germany's drug policy, as it sets the legal framework for dealing with HHC and its derivatives.

Content of the new regulation

The new regulation defines HHC and its derived compounds as new psychoactive substances. This means that hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) as well as HHC-AC, HHC-H and HHC-P are now banned under the NpSG. The regulation aims to prevent the trade, production and administration of these substances in order to minimize health risks.

Ban on HHC and its derivatives

The ban on HHC and its derivatives will come into force on June 27, 2024. This measure is intended to prevent these substances from continuing to be freely available and potentially causing health damage. It is important to understand the exact impact of this ban in order to avoid legal consequences.

What is HHC?

Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) is a chemical compound derived from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). HHC is known for its psychoactive effects, which are similar to those of THC, but with some differences in the intensity and duration of the effects. It is often marketed as a legal substitute for THC , which is now being prevented by the new regulation.

Which derivatives are affected?

In addition to HHC itself, its derivatives are also affected by the ban. These include HHC-AC, HHC-H and HHC-P . These compounds have similar psychoactive properties to HHC and are now also classified as new psychoactive substances. The ban therefore covers a wide range of substances in order to effectively regulate the market for these substances and prevent abuse.

Legal changes from 27 June 2024 to ban HHC

On June 27, 2024, significant legal changes will come into force that regulate the handling of hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and its derivatives. These adjustments to the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG) aim to prevent the spread and misuse of these substances. In this section, you will learn the key points of the new regulations and their impact on users.

New definitions and prohibitions

The new regulation defines HHC and its derivatives, such as HHC-AC, HHC-H and HHC-P, as new psychoactive substances. This means that the handling of these substances is now strictly regulated. It is prohibited to manufacture, trade, place on the market or administer HHC to others. These measures are intended to severely limit the availability and misuse of HHC in order to protect the health of the population.

Impact on users

For users, the new regulation means a significant change in the way HHC is handled. Anyone who has previously purchased HHC legally must now be aware that trading and passing on these substances is a criminal offense. Personal consumption, however, remains exempt from punishment. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase HHC because legal trading is being prevented. Users should inform themselves about the new regulations in order to avoid unwanted legal consequences.

What remains permitted with the HHC ban?

Although the ban on HHC is comprehensive, there are certain aspects of the use of this substance that remain permitted. In this section, we clarify which actions are exempt from punishment and what legal framework applies to users.

Criminal aspects

According to Section 3 Paragraph 1 NpSG, it is forbidden to manufacture, trade, market or administer HHC to others. These actions are punishable and can result in legal consequences. However, it is important to note that the purchase and possession of HHC for personal use is not punishable. Consumption itself also remains legal, which is important information for all users.

Users’ rights

Users have the right to possess and consume HHC for personal use without fear of criminal prosecution. However, it is important to be aware that obtaining HHC legally will become more difficult as the trade and manufacture of these substances is now prohibited. Users should educate themselves on their rights and the exact regulations to ensure they are acting within the law.

Why the ban on HHC is necessary

The ban on hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and its derivatives is a necessary measure to protect public health and prevent the abuse of psychoactive substances. Given the increasing popularity and easily accessible nature of HHC, lawmakers have recognized the need for stricter regulations. This section sheds light on the reasons for the ban and the intentions behind it.

Objectives of the change in the law

The primary objectives of the amendment are to prevent the illegal trade and uncontrolled distribution of HHC. By classifying HHC and its derivatives as new psychoactive substances, access to these substances should be significantly restricted. This should help to reduce availability and thus reduce consumption and abuse. In addition, the amendment aims to create a clear legal framework that affects manufacturers, dealers and consumers.

Health risks and prevention

Another important aspect of the ban is the potential health risks associated with the use of HHC. Although HHC has similar psychoactive effects to THC , the long-term health effects have not yet been sufficiently researched. There is a risk of side effects and unforeseeable health damage. The ban is intended to protect the population from these risks and to reduce the spread of potentially dangerous substances. Preventive measures and education are also part of the strategy to prevent the abuse of new psychoactive substances.

Conclusion on the HHC ban in 2024

The ban on HHC and its derivatives marks an important step in Germany's drug policy. It is a response to the growing prevalence and abuse of these substances, which pose health risks. In this section, we summarize the most important points of the ban and take a look at future developments.

Summary of key points

In summary, the change in the law will strictly regulate the handling of HHC and its derivatives from June 27, 2024. Manufacturing, trading, placing on the market and administering to other people are now punishable. However, personal consumption and possession remain exempt from punishment. The new regulations aim to combat illegal trade and protect the health of the population.

Outlook and future developments

In the future, it will be important to monitor the effects of the ban and make adjustments if necessary. Research into HHC and its health effects will continue in order to make informed decisions. It also remains to be seen how the market for new psychoactive substances will develop and how legislators will respond. Continuous education of the population and preventive measures are crucial to prevent the abuse of psychoactive substances in the long term.

Lara Berger, M.Sc., specialist author

Meet Lara Berger , our hemp edibles expert at THC Friends. With a solid background in botany and a focus on sustainable, health-promoting foods, Lara brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for hemp products to the team. Discover with Lara how hemp foods can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Read more about Lara and her work here.

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